Sunday, February 1, 2009

4th week down

Yesterday I finished my 4th week of running. I am really enjoying it. Not in the "running is so fun and awesome that i really love it" way, but in the "i know i am getting healthier and getting outside more and trying something new" way. I am getting nervous about the upcoming weeks. This week was really hard for me. It was the first week I had to run for 3 minutes without stopping. I know, most of you are laughing right now, but 3 minutes is a lot for me- an out of shape lazy girl. Next week, I'm supposed to do run 3, walk 90 sec, run 5, walk 2.5 min. Twice. Nerve. I am also feeling like I am plateau-ing a little bit this week. It has been a month, and I've lost 7 lbs. I'm not sure what to do next. I am eating a healthy breakfast every morning (except this morning when I got Sonic), eating a reasonable lunch, and a reasonable dinner. It is harder when I don't make the food myself, but I still try when eating out to control my portions (thanks, Amanda for the suggestion/order). So I'm trying to figure out what else will help me get into shape. If you have any suggestions, please, let me have it!

Classes are going good. It is more manageable than I expected to take 2 classes at the same time. Granted, I'm still busy each night with an activity or with studying, but it's been much easier to handle than I was anticipating. Once my half semester class is over, it will really be smooth sailing. the TAKS test is in 4 weeks. I am getting the anxiety again. I know my students are going to do what they do, pass or fail, whether I stress or not. But I have dreams about the test. It's ridiculous.

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