Saturday, July 4, 2009

I've been tagged!!!

8 Things I'm looking forward to...
Vacation to nature.
Getting summer school paycheck.
Getting new car.
Visiting Papa.
Trying out P90X
Taking more classes at LA Fitness
Getting delicious food at the store tomorrow.
Using my West Elm giftcard for something cool.

8 Things I did yesterday...
slept in!
did laundry
used my helmet for the first time.
went shopping with dad.
had lunch with Shelley, Bob, mom and dad.
fixed my broke-down window buttons (with dad's help)
saw Lissa's new place
went to the rangers game

8 Things I wish I could do...
work out every day and like it.
like how I look.
rock climb
go to sweden
go to italy
tell this hot boy named pp that I like him.
not worry about money.
have a more positive attitude. (yeah right. like that's ever gonna happen)

8 Shows I watch...
The Office
Grey's Anatomy
Private Practice
American Idol
Supernanny. Nanny Jo gives those brats the business.
So You Think You Can Dance
Jon and Kate Plus Eight. Probably will rename it to Jon Minus Kate Remainder Eight.
Will and Grace. anytime there's a rerun, i'm so watching.

8 People I tag...

Okay I don't know 8 people in blogland.
So I choose:


You're both teachers, so no excuses. It's summer. Be lame with me and do this survey!


Sarah D said...

I'm not on blogspot (well, I don't update that one), but I'm on xanga! So maybe I'll re-post there. :-P

Carmelle, Vincent, Tristan, Caleb, and Brayden Martinez said...

YAY!! I found your blog on your facebook page!! That's awesome!! Someone else in blogland!! I'm totally reading this blog :) Keep it comin'!!