I just have to get something off my chest real quick:
I am not a "nice Christian girl".
I never will be.
In addition to being a Believer, I love talking, thinking, learning, understanding, questioning, and hearing other points of view as well as sharing mine.
^&^ SO sorry if this freaks you out, men of the world ^&^. Really. I'm sorry you can't deal with me being who I am.
I'm never going to just sit and stare blankly, smile and nod, and flip my hair behind my shoulders, a la "nice Christian girl" - all of which are married with 4 babies already.
I am worth more than that.
If you can't handle the level of intelligence I have and aren't willing to engage me in conversation in that regard, then I will just continue to be single.
That's what intimacy before marriage is- CONVERSATION. Look it up.
^&^ dentoes sarcasm - in case you couldn't tell.
Monday, August 1, 2011
Monday, May 9, 2011
Side Business...
Okay, it's official. I have an Etsy. I want to make some extra cash, but also make it doing something I like and enjoy- something crafty. It took me awhile to figure out what I could produce and sell that I could make relatively quickly- obviously knitting baby blankets isn't my fastest method of turn out.
Then, I thought about when I had so much fun a few years ago learning how to make greeting cards. My friend Cheryl had her mom come and teach a bunch of us girls how to make some really cute cards! Then, about 2 months ago, my friend Michelle had a stampin' up card making party. I went, and had a great time yet again making my own cards. I bought some fun stamp sets, and began toying with different designs.
I have given away about 20 of the cards I've made, all to rave reviews. I also posted some on facebook to see if people would like them enough to buy them. I found that many people do like them. We'll see if it really takes off or not, but for now, I'm diving in. I have made the committment to work on cards for an hour each day. I can usually make 3 coordinating cards in that time. I think that's partly because I'm coming up with all new designs and ideas, and I'm also trying to use all of the paper goods that I have before purchasing more. This is proving to be quite the task. I hope that in the summer, I'll really be able to build it up so that I can keep it going during the next school year.
Now, time for the shameless plug: jlayne.etsy.com
Go check it out. If you like what you see....let me know!
Then, I thought about when I had so much fun a few years ago learning how to make greeting cards. My friend Cheryl had her mom come and teach a bunch of us girls how to make some really cute cards! Then, about 2 months ago, my friend Michelle had a stampin' up card making party. I went, and had a great time yet again making my own cards. I bought some fun stamp sets, and began toying with different designs.
I have given away about 20 of the cards I've made, all to rave reviews. I also posted some on facebook to see if people would like them enough to buy them. I found that many people do like them. We'll see if it really takes off or not, but for now, I'm diving in. I have made the committment to work on cards for an hour each day. I can usually make 3 coordinating cards in that time. I think that's partly because I'm coming up with all new designs and ideas, and I'm also trying to use all of the paper goods that I have before purchasing more. This is proving to be quite the task. I hope that in the summer, I'll really be able to build it up so that I can keep it going during the next school year.
Now, time for the shameless plug: jlayne.etsy.com
Go check it out. If you like what you see....let me know!
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Marathon Runner
It's official. I finished a marathon. I had a great time running, and aside from a bit of blubbering and tears at mile 9 (more on that in a minute), I was in great spirits.
Let's begin with our place ride into Cincy. I wasn't paying much attention when I booked the flight- all I cared about was getting two seats together and saving cash money. Well...our plane was a tad on the small side. As in one seat one one side of the aisle, and two on the other. This made a very interesting journey. That and our travelling comedian flight attendant, who insisted on rambling over the loudspeaker random facts and stupid jokes. He also loved to say something meaningless and then murmur, "Mmmmmm- hmmmmmm"- like the way black girls say it. It. Was. Awesome. At one point, he tried to tell me a story, so I turned away from him and stared out the window, hoping my inattention would make him go away. He just kept right on talking, searching out anyone who would politely make eye contact with him so he could tell his story about a condo in Florida that was hit by a hurricane. Ugh.
Anyway, onto the expo. It was pretty big, and we got some sweet gear. We got our tech shirts, a poster, and a backpack! All Lissa and I could wonder is "How the heck are we gonna squeeze this mess into that teensy plane?" Lissa spun the Wheel O Fortune for Dick's Sporting Goods and won a $5 gift certificate! I got a pen. But it's okay. No really, I wanted a pen. Ask Lissa. She was actually aiming for a water bottle, but lucked out!
After the Expo, we wanted to go to Chipotle. The line was out the door by about 20 people. No way. We decided to drive around and see a little bit of the city. I also had a groupon (addicted, remember?) for a little Cafe in a cool artsy neighborhood, so we decided to eat there. Now, our rental car was a Nissan Cube. It was legit. Legitimately awkward and trying too hard. The ceiling looked like a pond rippling. Seriously, Nissan? And how about all those windows? They were reflective, so when you looked out the window, you saw yourself and the dashboard and the person sitting next to you. The one redeeming quality about the Cube was that is has amazing U turn capabilities. We know this, because we made about 7,459 U turns throughout the weekend. Getting to the Cafe was no exception. We had to reverse onto the sidewalk, U turn to get to the parking meter, and make sure we were close enough to the curb. It was super hard! The Cube's blind spots almost proved too much for us- but in the end, our hunger for victory- and some sweet cuisine- prevailed.
I couldn't eat, I think because I was super nervous. I tried ordering something that sounded good and fresh and grand: a pork sandwich with fresh baked bread, spinach, tomatoes, onions, and cheese (the only questionable pre-race food: dairy). When I got the sandwich, it was a steaming hot pile of wilted, melted goop in between two slices of toasted buttery bread. It was NOT what I was expecting or really interested in eating. Usually, I'm all in for a panini or toasted type sandwich- but not on nervous barf stomach day. I ended up eating some of the hot meat, and some of the buttery bread.
And now for race day. We got up at 4 am, since the race started at 6:30 am (5:30 am Dallas time). It was pouring rain at the start, so Lissa and I tugged some ponchos on. Only the wind kept blowing them over our faces, suffocating us and generally making us look like incompetent fools. I was pretty nervous starting out, but it got better as time went on. Miles 5-8 were the hilliest of the entire course. I was thrilled that I didn't have to do that part by myself- Lissa suffered through it with me. The beginning of the race seemed to fly by. When we came up to our split, at mile 9, I went into total panic mode. So many people were running the half, and it felt like 4 people were doing the full. I started to cry a little, thinking to myself that I had to do another 17 miles all alone in a random town. I was seriously doubting if I could do it. But after a minute, I recovered and got my composure back. I waved goodbye to my best friend, and set off alone.
The rest of the race went by kind of fast too. I walked through water stops, since I can't drink from a paper cup and run at the same time (hey, I'm not Kenyan!). When we got to mile 13, there were two huge (steep, not long) hills one right after the other. I basically got by because I was talking to myself and listening to music. There was this one part during mile 18 or 19 that we went through the projects. There was one family outside cheering- the rest of the neighborhood was a ghost town. When We hit about mile 20, we got to run up the on-ramp and run on an actual highway. They closed it down so we could run on it. That was a different experience! I was really looking for Riverside Drive. That was my last turn, the street I would finish my marathon on. The turn was at mile 22, so once I got to Riverside, I just had to run it to the finish. I could do that- I thought. Amazingly enough, my knees didn't start bothering me until mile 21, so I didn't have that much farther to go with irritation. I don't remember much about the last few miles, except the powerwalking lady who told a bunch of girls dressed up as burlesque dancers that they were skanks. That was hilarious. I also remember a gross hipster guy (that's for you Amanda) playing the bongo while his gross hipster bellydancing girlfriend bewitched us with her belly. That was not hilarious. It made me want to die. As I hit Mile 25, I saw a hill approaching. I couldn't believe it. Seriously? A hill in the last mile? One of the course monitors saw the look on my face (or heard my moans of agony, not sure which one I was doing at this point) and said, "Hey, as soon as you get to the top of the hill, you'll see the finish line." That gave me plenty of motivation!!! When I reached the top, I did see the finish...the "Finish Swine"! As I approached, I was smiling and happy. Lissa popped out to take some pics and run with me for a second. I crossed that finish line, and felt so in awe of what I had just done. I walked over to get my medal, and as I turned away, I felt a little pang of sadness that it was already over. I trained for 5 months to accomplish something that took 5 hours.
I am super excited that I actually finished, had a great time, and enjoyed some laughs along the way. The rest of the weekend was filled with sleep, Mob Wives, Sprite, and Waffle House. I am extra grateful to Lissa for coming with me and helping me out after the race. And also for risking her life driving us around in that damn Cube. What can I say? We are survivors.
Let's begin with our place ride into Cincy. I wasn't paying much attention when I booked the flight- all I cared about was getting two seats together and saving cash money. Well...our plane was a tad on the small side. As in one seat one one side of the aisle, and two on the other. This made a very interesting journey. That and our travelling comedian flight attendant, who insisted on rambling over the loudspeaker random facts and stupid jokes. He also loved to say something meaningless and then murmur, "Mmmmmm- hmmmmmm"- like the way black girls say it. It. Was. Awesome. At one point, he tried to tell me a story, so I turned away from him and stared out the window, hoping my inattention would make him go away. He just kept right on talking, searching out anyone who would politely make eye contact with him so he could tell his story about a condo in Florida that was hit by a hurricane. Ugh.
Anyway, onto the expo. It was pretty big, and we got some sweet gear. We got our tech shirts, a poster, and a backpack! All Lissa and I could wonder is "How the heck are we gonna squeeze this mess into that teensy plane?" Lissa spun the Wheel O Fortune for Dick's Sporting Goods and won a $5 gift certificate! I got a pen. But it's okay. No really, I wanted a pen. Ask Lissa. She was actually aiming for a water bottle, but lucked out!
After the Expo, we wanted to go to Chipotle. The line was out the door by about 20 people. No way. We decided to drive around and see a little bit of the city. I also had a groupon (addicted, remember?) for a little Cafe in a cool artsy neighborhood, so we decided to eat there. Now, our rental car was a Nissan Cube. It was legit. Legitimately awkward and trying too hard. The ceiling looked like a pond rippling. Seriously, Nissan? And how about all those windows? They were reflective, so when you looked out the window, you saw yourself and the dashboard and the person sitting next to you. The one redeeming quality about the Cube was that is has amazing U turn capabilities. We know this, because we made about 7,459 U turns throughout the weekend. Getting to the Cafe was no exception. We had to reverse onto the sidewalk, U turn to get to the parking meter, and make sure we were close enough to the curb. It was super hard! The Cube's blind spots almost proved too much for us- but in the end, our hunger for victory- and some sweet cuisine- prevailed.
I couldn't eat, I think because I was super nervous. I tried ordering something that sounded good and fresh and grand: a pork sandwich with fresh baked bread, spinach, tomatoes, onions, and cheese (the only questionable pre-race food: dairy). When I got the sandwich, it was a steaming hot pile of wilted, melted goop in between two slices of toasted buttery bread. It was NOT what I was expecting or really interested in eating. Usually, I'm all in for a panini or toasted type sandwich- but not on nervous barf stomach day. I ended up eating some of the hot meat, and some of the buttery bread.
And now for race day. We got up at 4 am, since the race started at 6:30 am (5:30 am Dallas time). It was pouring rain at the start, so Lissa and I tugged some ponchos on. Only the wind kept blowing them over our faces, suffocating us and generally making us look like incompetent fools. I was pretty nervous starting out, but it got better as time went on. Miles 5-8 were the hilliest of the entire course. I was thrilled that I didn't have to do that part by myself- Lissa suffered through it with me. The beginning of the race seemed to fly by. When we came up to our split, at mile 9, I went into total panic mode. So many people were running the half, and it felt like 4 people were doing the full. I started to cry a little, thinking to myself that I had to do another 17 miles all alone in a random town. I was seriously doubting if I could do it. But after a minute, I recovered and got my composure back. I waved goodbye to my best friend, and set off alone.
The rest of the race went by kind of fast too. I walked through water stops, since I can't drink from a paper cup and run at the same time (hey, I'm not Kenyan!). When we got to mile 13, there were two huge (steep, not long) hills one right after the other. I basically got by because I was talking to myself and listening to music. There was this one part during mile 18 or 19 that we went through the projects. There was one family outside cheering- the rest of the neighborhood was a ghost town. When We hit about mile 20, we got to run up the on-ramp and run on an actual highway. They closed it down so we could run on it. That was a different experience! I was really looking for Riverside Drive. That was my last turn, the street I would finish my marathon on. The turn was at mile 22, so once I got to Riverside, I just had to run it to the finish. I could do that- I thought. Amazingly enough, my knees didn't start bothering me until mile 21, so I didn't have that much farther to go with irritation. I don't remember much about the last few miles, except the powerwalking lady who told a bunch of girls dressed up as burlesque dancers that they were skanks. That was hilarious. I also remember a gross hipster guy (that's for you Amanda) playing the bongo while his gross hipster bellydancing girlfriend bewitched us with her belly. That was not hilarious. It made me want to die. As I hit Mile 25, I saw a hill approaching. I couldn't believe it. Seriously? A hill in the last mile? One of the course monitors saw the look on my face (or heard my moans of agony, not sure which one I was doing at this point) and said, "Hey, as soon as you get to the top of the hill, you'll see the finish line." That gave me plenty of motivation!!! When I reached the top, I did see the finish...the "Finish Swine"! As I approached, I was smiling and happy. Lissa popped out to take some pics and run with me for a second. I crossed that finish line, and felt so in awe of what I had just done. I walked over to get my medal, and as I turned away, I felt a little pang of sadness that it was already over. I trained for 5 months to accomplish something that took 5 hours.
I am super excited that I actually finished, had a great time, and enjoyed some laughs along the way. The rest of the weekend was filled with sleep, Mob Wives, Sprite, and Waffle House. I am extra grateful to Lissa for coming with me and helping me out after the race. And also for risking her life driving us around in that damn Cube. What can I say? We are survivors.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Over it.
My knees/legs hurt. I am afraid I won't be able to finish my marathon.
I am super excited to get out of Dallas this weekend with Lissa! Although I may be crawling by the time the weekend is over, I will have a break, and I will be able to say that I did it!
Work is a straight up beating. I literally cannot wait for each weekend to get here.
I am planning a poetry unit with my class, which I'm really excited about, because I've always wanted to teach poetry but it's never been in my curriculum.
Dave Ramsey's plan is so super hard. I am seriously afraid that I will never be able to spend money ever again. Now that I know how to eat healthy (and spend a million dollars doing it), I am trying (pretty successfully) to make it healthy and cost-effective. I was super proud the other week when I planned a menu, using many spices and non-perishables that I alredy had, and only spent $30 for 3 weeks worth of dinners! (I get free breakfast at work, and I drink meal replacement shakes for lunch).
I think that by August, I will be on Step 3(b)- according to Dave- that is where one who rents should start saving to buy a house. After debt is paid off, after 3-6 months of income is saved. Fingers crossed. Then he says the mortgage should be 1/4 of my monthly income, on a 15 year fixed rate mortgage. That means for a $150,000 house, I will have to save up $72,000 to put down. That will take me 55 months, or about 4.5 years. Really?!?!?!
Oh Lordy.
Enough. I'm just trying to make it to the weekend.
Here's hope for the big picture, and an attempt to refuse to let the details overwhelm me:
For this reason I bow my knees before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth is named, that according to the riches of his glory he may grant you to be strengthened with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith—that you, being rooted and grounded in love, 18may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God. Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.
Eph 3:14-21
I am super excited to get out of Dallas this weekend with Lissa! Although I may be crawling by the time the weekend is over, I will have a break, and I will be able to say that I did it!
Work is a straight up beating. I literally cannot wait for each weekend to get here.
I am planning a poetry unit with my class, which I'm really excited about, because I've always wanted to teach poetry but it's never been in my curriculum.
Dave Ramsey's plan is so super hard. I am seriously afraid that I will never be able to spend money ever again. Now that I know how to eat healthy (and spend a million dollars doing it), I am trying (pretty successfully) to make it healthy and cost-effective. I was super proud the other week when I planned a menu, using many spices and non-perishables that I alredy had, and only spent $30 for 3 weeks worth of dinners! (I get free breakfast at work, and I drink meal replacement shakes for lunch).
I think that by August, I will be on Step 3(b)- according to Dave- that is where one who rents should start saving to buy a house. After debt is paid off, after 3-6 months of income is saved. Fingers crossed. Then he says the mortgage should be 1/4 of my monthly income, on a 15 year fixed rate mortgage. That means for a $150,000 house, I will have to save up $72,000 to put down. That will take me 55 months, or about 4.5 years. Really?!?!?!
Oh Lordy.
Enough. I'm just trying to make it to the weekend.
Here's hope for the big picture, and an attempt to refuse to let the details overwhelm me:
For this reason I bow my knees before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth is named, that according to the riches of his glory he may grant you to be strengthened with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith—that you, being rooted and grounded in love, 18may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God. Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.
Eph 3:14-21
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
i've been a tad hermit-y over the last week. a few fun plans have fallen through, i had a major test to take, and i am on financial shutdown. makes a person a little nutty.
did have some bright spots: got to have dinner with Cheryl, which was great. I haven't gotten to hang out with her since my birthday, so it had been awhile. i also had a great run on sunday at the rock n roll half marathon. i saw a bunch of my coppell running peeps, who i never see anymore. that was nice. i also got to have a nice long conversation with my friend Casey last night. I actually enjoyed talking on the phone. it's a miracle. i might try it more often.
i was really tired today, but i forced myself to go to small group. it's sometimes easier to just avoid people when you're kind of in that "what am i doing with my life" mindset. i went, i shared, i came home. it was good.
hazel jumped into blinker's food bag tonight and had a total feast. i don't even know how she reached the opening... i hope she doesn't poop in my bed.
nothing special. but this is what happens when you don't watch TV for 40 days. dealing with crap becomes a daily ritual, instead of numbing it with shows about fake people's lives. or real people who are trashy, like the housewives of ANY TOWN or teem moms or really fat people who want to be called losers.
i miss my trashy peeps. hope they're okay out there in TV world.
did have some bright spots: got to have dinner with Cheryl, which was great. I haven't gotten to hang out with her since my birthday, so it had been awhile. i also had a great run on sunday at the rock n roll half marathon. i saw a bunch of my coppell running peeps, who i never see anymore. that was nice. i also got to have a nice long conversation with my friend Casey last night. I actually enjoyed talking on the phone. it's a miracle. i might try it more often.
i was really tired today, but i forced myself to go to small group. it's sometimes easier to just avoid people when you're kind of in that "what am i doing with my life" mindset. i went, i shared, i came home. it was good.
hazel jumped into blinker's food bag tonight and had a total feast. i don't even know how she reached the opening... i hope she doesn't poop in my bed.
nothing special. but this is what happens when you don't watch TV for 40 days. dealing with crap becomes a daily ritual, instead of numbing it with shows about fake people's lives. or real people who are trashy, like the housewives of ANY TOWN or teem moms or really fat people who want to be called losers.
i miss my trashy peeps. hope they're okay out there in TV world.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Weekend: Camping, Running, Photography
On Friday, me and Rachel went camping. It was.... fun? We made it a good time by bringing margaritas and Oreos into our tent and talking and laughing until we went to bed. We were pretty tired, because we set up the tent all by ourselves. This isn't that big of a deal- Lissa and I set that mug up about 6 times when we went on "Wild West" Vacation. What made it kind of sucky was that there were 4-count them- 4 men who were camping in the same group as us. They did not offer to help. at. all. we lugged the giant silver bin loaded with tent supplies down a hill and set up the tent in btween a couple of trees. When there was a stump in the way- I sawed it down. I once again blew up my air mattress- simply because I didn't want to bother asking for the air pump from the group at the top of the hill.
On Saturday, we sat around and read books and talked. It was nice. I was a little mad because I didn't bring sunscreen so I got a little burn on my face and arms. All week in Miami, and no sunburn. A few flippin hours in the Texas heat, and I'm pink. Geez.
This morning, I went on my longest run ever. 20 miles. I was sort of scared that I wouldn't be able to make it- but we started out really easy, and kept with it. One nice thing was that part of our route was around most of White Rock Lake, which I don't think I've ever completely looped before. Not so good parts: the swarms of gnats following us along the lake. Flashbacks of Mosquito Invasion of Palm Harbor, FL. Goo! Also, the bird poop covered trees smelled so bad! I almost barfed, but if I had, I would have lost all my hydration. So I followed the classic mantra: "Breathe through your mouth!" I also had to use the men's restroom at the lake, because the women's was locked. Super smelly and pee everywhere. No toilet paper. Glurg. All in all, Once I got to about mile 16, it felt better to run than walk. Walking hurts my hips, groin, and arches. Running numbed everything. So I finished alone. Which was kind of sad. But I was happy to be finished.
This afternoon, Rachel and I went to the Fort Worth Botanical Gardens to practice our photography skills. We had fun getting great shots of flowers, playing with manual settings, and making the sunlight dance. I basically told her everything that Ericka has taught me about taking great pictures. Here are a few of my faves from today:

On Saturday, we sat around and read books and talked. It was nice. I was a little mad because I didn't bring sunscreen so I got a little burn on my face and arms. All week in Miami, and no sunburn. A few flippin hours in the Texas heat, and I'm pink. Geez.
This morning, I went on my longest run ever. 20 miles. I was sort of scared that I wouldn't be able to make it- but we started out really easy, and kept with it. One nice thing was that part of our route was around most of White Rock Lake, which I don't think I've ever completely looped before. Not so good parts: the swarms of gnats following us along the lake. Flashbacks of Mosquito Invasion of Palm Harbor, FL. Goo! Also, the bird poop covered trees smelled so bad! I almost barfed, but if I had, I would have lost all my hydration. So I followed the classic mantra: "Breathe through your mouth!" I also had to use the men's restroom at the lake, because the women's was locked. Super smelly and pee everywhere. No toilet paper. Glurg. All in all, Once I got to about mile 16, it felt better to run than walk. Walking hurts my hips, groin, and arches. Running numbed everything. So I finished alone. Which was kind of sad. But I was happy to be finished.
This afternoon, Rachel and I went to the Fort Worth Botanical Gardens to practice our photography skills. We had fun getting great shots of flowers, playing with manual settings, and making the sunlight dance. I basically told her everything that Ericka has taught me about taking great pictures. Here are a few of my faves from today:
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Miami Beach
To say that my Spring Break was relaxing and awe inspiring would be an understatement. I seriously had a wonderful time in Miami Beach with Missy. To begin, I had an adventure at DFW when I realized that my gate had changed and it was about 30 minutes before my flight was going to depart- which meant that it was boarding already when I'm peeing in the bathroom, looking at my watch. Whoops! I had to hustle over there to make it on time. As I was speed walking up to the counter, they were announcing over the intercom, "...Last call for passenger Sundberg..." Oh man. I barely made it.
Once I got to New Orleans, I was busy eating some chicken and andouille gumbo whilst playing Rebecca from work on Words with Friends. She just so happens to be a Katrina evacuee who never went back to New Orleans. I definitely rubbed it in that I was eating some good home cooking!
When I got to Miami, Missy picked me up, and took me to her quaint art deco apartment building to get settled in. It had just the right amount of space! She had even gotten me breakfast foods and some delicious cream for my morning coffee. That was super thoughtful. She is a great hostess. Then we went to Yogurbella for some delish fro yo. (No, there's not supposed to be a "t" in Yougurbella.) I had the very hip coconut yogurt with mango bubbles- like what you would have in bubble tea. I knew Amy would be proud of me. Missy, on the other hand, got strawberry yogurt with cap'n crunch and chocolate chips. She's so grown up! ha! She really liked it though, so that's all that matters.
Missy ane Me at the Dog Beach on Key Biscayne.
I knew from that moment when I made fun of her about her yogurt and she popped right back that our relationship hadn't changed a bit. We spent the week going out to eat, going to the beach, having wonderful conversations, and updating each other on life. It was so relaxing to have absolutely no schedule. We just talked about a few things that we might like to do the next day as we were winding down over dinner or drinks. It was awesome!
Me and Missy jumping for joy at Spring Break finally being here!
We got to go to some cool places that Missy had never been to since living in Miami, which was fun for both of us. I spent some time solo, doing my own exploring up and down Miami Beach. I also got to take some great ocean-view runs in the mornings! It was quite beautiful and relaxing. I will leave you with a final view of the beautiful Miami Beach Coastline.
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